Apart from Kona, Jolinda, and my workshop participants what truly keeps me inspired and motivated are the local staffers like Emilio and Jean Kennedy. The joy and love they carry in their hearts literally spills out into the world. Since my first visit, they have welcomed me into this tight knit organization with open arms and hearts.

While I have primarily worked with Jean Kennedi this trip it is Emilio who I’ve leaned on both in the past and now when I really need help. Out of thin air Emilio can conjure a speech that more eloquently states my intentions while simultaneously inspiring myself and whoever I am talking to to find a common ground from which to help each other with the best of our abilities.

Rarely have I been more proud than when Emilio told me today that whenever new staff joins GOALS he makes sure they know who I am and that I am part of the family. “Ou se moun amba” (Your one of the people from down there) pointing towards Destra, the first GOALS site, and perhaps most important to me the home of his family.

Watching Emilio effortlessly navigate working with Local volunteers, kids, the Goals International staff, and myself I am struck by the growth in him since I first met him. In Emilio I see a person who is growing into a fuller version of himself because of the space GOALS has openned up for him and the investment Kona pushes her organization to make in everyone connected to it. There can be no better embodiement of GOALS vision, mission, and potential than Emilio. I hope one day to be able to show the same grace as I inspire those around me to better futures.

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