Chi Town Boogie
Wow from New York, to Chicago, to Haiti this trip might never end. Were in town primarily to shoot some stuff with Milo & Otis an excellent Chicago band, but be ready for a mix of other events as well. I had the pleasure of attending a Groton School alumni event where I got a chance to catch up with my old headmaster Rick Commons and an fellow advisee of the great Rebecca Stanton, Caroline Silverman. Following the Groton School event I head over to the Young Chicago Authors space to see an excellent spoken word show Enjoy.
- Rick Commons current headmaster of Groton School.
- Spoken Word
- Evan Wright one of my best friends from College. He is currently training as a MMA fighter and working towards his law degree
- Milo of Milo & Otis
- Otis of Mio & Otis
- Adrian and a number of other underclassman from my senior year