The Whirlwind Continues
The whirlwind trip continues today with me touching down in Haiti. I’m so fortunate to be able to see my girlfriend Christina, and I’m super excited to get to work on the GOALS Haiti video that will be used as the center point of my fundraising campaign for this years ED Fund. First thing we did upon touching down was head to a art fair where a ton of amazing works were being sold. I had the fortunate opportunity of running into one of SISA founders while at the fair. She shared some of her recent successes and it was great to see someone who we helped advertise this summer making good on her economic promise. Hope you enjoy these illustrative pictures of the first couple days in Haiti.
- A mural touching on art and technology
- Some awesome necklaces and earrings Christina tried to bargain
- One of my favorite images ever is an homage to this sort of work. This is the Haiti I usually see one full of vibrant colors and love.
- They were doing face painting and this kids was awesome
- Christina nuff said
- She was really excited to describe something 🙂
- Handing out copies of Lakay Weekly. Christina writes for them
- Some awesome sandles, I should have brought some.
- These figurines were stunning. One day I will do some sort of project with them.
- Wonder what she is thinking.
- I brought one of these for my moms