The Whirlwind begins
Whenever I pass through New York I always take the chance to stop through MoCADA, the Museum of Contemporary and African Diasporan Arts. Today I got a personal tour of the place by Isissa Komada-John, the exhibition director there and one of my very best friends. We spent years in college passing by each other and remarking that we knew we would be best friends, but it wouldn’t be until Senior Year when we led a workshop on Hetero-sexism and Homophobia that we would consummate our lifey-bond. If you ever happen to be in Brooklyn near the Barclay’s center I recommend you stop in and check out this community treasure.
After grabbing a drink with Isissa, I headed up town to catch dinner with Brian Hardiman and Chris Chin. Christopher has been one of my closest friends since elementary school. I still remember going to his house every Friday during 6th grade, to bake with his mother and play video games. I’ll never forget the tranquility and love she provided and his friendship is one I will forever value.
- Some delicious spring Rolls
- Brian Hardiman
- Christopher Chin
From elementary school friends to college friends. After dinner I headed up town to stay at Chi, Ian, and Akeem friends. I was fortunate enough to have a couple of friends gather to celebrate my early birthday. James Williams, Khara Gresham, Robin Beck, Fedna Jacquet, Rohini Muralidharan and a number of other intimates from college and afterwards gathered for drinks and fun. The night stretched on and on and I was quite lucky to barely make it to my 6AM flight to Haiti. You’ll have to ask for those details.
- Feds
- Akeem
- Chi and Farhana make a great couple
- Robin and Khara talking lol
- Ian and Robs different generations of friends meet.
I’m blessed to count you all as friends.