I have the above image hanging in multiple locations. It was the first thing I woke up to in the mornings and a constant anchor for me whenever I felt down. As I sit in a hospital room and watch events transpire in which I have absolutely no control, I look back to this anchor to give me a raison d’être.

My first prolonged experience in Haiti was what many would call a life defining experience. My work with GOALS didnt end when I left the country, in fact it had just begun. With the inception of GOALS scholarship fund I can’t help but feel that for the foreseeable future my life will be linked to a particular group of inspired youth growing up in Legoane, Haiti.

Out first campaign was an unqualified success but to make it happen again we are critically in need of your financial aid.

Check out some great ways to donate to the two organizations I will be working with this summer and as always if you have a digital camera you are no longer using please contact me. If your unable to support financially please consider sharing this with family, friends, and acquaintances.

Foto Goals Year 2 Campaign

Project Istwa Summer 2012 Workshops


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